Directed by Scott Waugh and starring Jackie Chan and John Cena, the new action movie Hidden Strike follows two ex-special forces soldiers that must escort a group of civilians along Baghdad’s “Highway of Death” to the safety of the Green Zone.
The initial name of the movie was and it was Snafu shoot in 2018 but was never released due to many different internal and external variables. Finally, XYZ Films released the first trailer after sitting idle for 5 years in post-production, but it doesn’t have an official release date yet.
What is interesting, in 2018 John Cena hadn’t yet been seen in Bumblebee, F9, or The Suicide Squad and wasn’t such a movie star.
The film an entirely Chinese-funded project filmed in China using local crews, and was supposed to capitalize on the partnership between Hollywood and China that was all the rage back then, but soured trade relations and the COVID-19.
Jackie Chan was 64 and Jon Cena 41 at the moment of filming.
Watch the trailer to Hidden Strike below.