Rumble’s synopsis: An aging and injured former MMA champ is forced back into a deadly Mexican underground fight circuit to save is girlfriend who is kidnapped by a mysterious cartel leader and criminal mastermind. With a pimp from Los Angeles extorting him and a Cop from Mexico City on the search for the infamous criminal mastermind, Delgado, David Goran finds himself deep in trouble in Mexico. As he fights his way out, he and the Mexico City Cop finally find out who is behind the infamous Bullpen Fight Club, where fighters fight to the death to save themselves and their loved ones.
Rumble has since wrapped production.
Gary Daniels’ Bullpen Fight Club movie where he plays a former MMA champ is now called Rumble.
Gary Daniels is back into the ring in the Bullpen Fight Club. Gary is always quite about his projects and keeps fans surprised with such martial arts movies where we can enjoy him knocking out bad guys like it was in Forced to Fight.
Bullpen Fight Club is a story about an aging and injured former MMA champ who is forced into a deadly Mexican underground fight circuit to save his girlfriend who is kidnapped by a mysterious cartel leader. As he fights his way out, he and the Mexico City Cop finally find out who is behind the infamous Bullpen Fight Club.
What is interesting, The Bullpen Fight Club exists in West Virginia and promotes isolation training instead of direct training in Mixed Martial Arts. They are not in any way connected to Mexican fight circuit of cause.