Into The Badlands DVD Giveaway

Into The Badlands DVD Giveaway

AUSTRALIAN READERS! Budomate Magazine and Playmaker Digital give you amazing opportunity to win one of 5 exclusive DVDs with Into The Badlands TV series. It’s out on Blu-Ray and DVD…

Ip Man trilogy Blu-ray steel book giveaway

U.S. READERS! Budomate Magazine and WELL GO USA give you amazing opportunity to win a really treasure that will should be a MUST-HAVE addition to your collection. Ip Man trilogy…

SPL 2 giveaway

Budomate Magazine and Madman Entertainment give you an opportunity to win one of 5 DVDs with the kick-ass action movie SPL 2: A Time for Consequences. But before I give…

DVD and Blu-ray giveaway

Hi mates, I have a few DVDs and Blu-rays to giveaway. Contact me on to claim your copy. For Australian residents only. Kung Fu Killer (DVD) Kung Fu Killer…

Kung Fu Jungle Giveaway

Here is your chance to own the latest Donnie Yen's flick Kung Fu Jungle on Blu-ray or DVD. To celebrate the release of Kung Fu Jungle on Blu-Ray, DVD and…