In 2010, MMA legendary cage fighter Randy “The Natural” Couture established himself as a bona fide showbiz action star by starring in hit action blockbuster, The Expendables. As part of an ensemble cast that gathered for the first time such top action movie box office draws as Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Jet Li, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, Couture played the fitting role of a demolitions expert named Toll Road.
After the release of The Expendables 2 in 2012, the franchise has gone on to gross well over half a billion dollars worldwide. The third installment, The Expendables 3, is set to be released in August 2014 and is expected to perform even better than the previous two films. Couture will, of course, be reprising his role as the team’s demolitions expert, Toll Road.
Early in 2012, Couture had already hinted about the possible start of filming for the third movie in 2013. Ever since then, action and martial arts movie fans worldwide have gone on to monitor any and all related news concerning the progress of the movie in solid anticipation of its 2014 release.
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Randy Couture is universally acknowledged as one of the most respected champions of the octagon and one of the most well-loved ambassadors in the world of mixed martial arts. Throughout his illustrious career as a professional cage fighter, he established several enviable records which remain unsurpassed to this day.
Couture also went into several other pursuits, many of which still keep him busy even after retiring as a professional cage fighter. He has done ringside duties as a sports commentator for UFC fights and even appeared in an MMA-related reality show for upcoming fighters. He continues to train others through a chain of professional MMA training centers located in various cities across the United States and Canada. But perhaps what holds the most significant place in the man’s heart is the charitable foundation he established to help American soldiers injured in the line of duty.
With the kind of buzz that The Expendables 3 has been generating this early into its production, it would appear that Couture is already set to do more grounding and pounding in the box office next year.