Japanese live-action adaptation of a manga series The Tiger Mask

The trailer for The Tiger Mask, an upcoming Japanese live-action adaptation of a manga series by Ikki Kajiwara. Directed by Ken Ochiai, the story follows a young orphan who is trained by a mysterious wrestling organisation and vows to protect the weak.

Synopsis: Naoto Date is a 13-year-old orphan. He and his friends live at an orphanage called House for Little Rascals, along with the owner’s daughter, Ruriko Wakatsuki who is also 13. One day Naoto learns that the orphanage is to be closed because of an outstanding debt. The children take their last excursion to the zoo before they all move to separate lodgings. Naoto and Ruriko stop in front of the tiger cage. While Naoto makes a vow that he’ll one day become as strong as a tiger, a stranger observes him. Mysterious Mister X who offers to train Naoto… When Naoto grows up strong, he fights to protect the woman he loves, to save the children’s future and to pursue his chosen path.

The Tiger Mask stars Eiji Wentz, Natsuna Watanabe, and Sho Aikawa. The film opens across Japan on 9th November, 2013.