Barrio Brawler is an original production with lead actor Marco Antonio Alvarez playing a martial arts instructor faced with fighting in a criminally-sanctioned underground Barrio tournament to save his school, and ultimately, his family. The film also stars Montesinos’ longtime colleague, action director and member of The Stunt People, actor Dennis Ruel, best known for his role as the kickboxing villain in the Eric Jacobus-directed 2006 action comedy, Contour (a.k.a. The Agent).
Film also stars Stacey Winterholler, E. Ambriz Decolosio and O.G. Dave Rivera, with amazing martial arts stunt action performances by Steven Yu, Alvin Hsing, Ray Carbonel, Bryan Cartago and Morgan Benoit to name a few. The Barrio Brawler film is slated for release on June 25, 2013, with a home release date set for August 27, 2013.
source: filmcombatsyndicate