Acclaimed martial arts film The Grandmaster held its New York City premiere on August 13. The film’s stars Tony Leung and Zhang Ziyi attended the event along with director Wong…
Shundou internationally titled as Bushidou, is writer/director Mikami Yasuo's directorial debut and stars Yuki Meguro, Takeo Nakahara, Tamao Satou, Go Wakabayashi, Asahi Kurizuka, and lead actor Takehiro Hira. Shundou is…
Watch behind-the-scene of the Dante Lam's Unbeatable Unbeatable has already garnered a few awards in recent months and sports an excellent cast that features Nick Cheung and Eddie Peng. Martial…
The story of Mancini’s life and legacy is significant and it is well presented with terrific archival clips, photographs, and fight footage along with shrewd observations from Mancini’s childhood friend,…
Writer / director Takanori Tsujimoto's (who brought us such exploitation cinema delights as ‘Hard Revenge, Milly: Bloody Battle’ and ‘Monster Killer’) is back with Bushido Man a tale of intense…
A rare export from Vietnam, The Lady Assassin 3D is a classic martial arts romp in the old Shaw Brothers vein. Employing a simple plot and serviceable martial arts, Nguyen…
Crackle (Sony Pictures Television’s online video network) will bow 90-minute martial arts action Extraction in September 2013, which SPT claims is the first major feature made for the Internet. Film…