The trailer has been released for Shinobi Code, a new independent British martial arts movie directed by Terry Cheung. The film revolves around the leader of a modern day underground warrior clan who attempts to relocate a mystical device which has been spoken of for generations.
Synopsis: Rayve is the leader of a modern day underground warrior clan, along with his team of exceptionally gifted individuals their primary aspiration is to relocate a mystical device known as the Shinobi Code which had been spoken of for generations. Standing in his way is a corrupt military official who plans to discover the secret of the device and turn it into a dreadful weapon, all that Rayve needs is to find it before the military do and avoid the black ops team who will stop at nothing to ensure their mission be accomplished.
Shinobi Code stars Ryan Doyle, Anthony Doyle, Jean-Paul Jesstiece, Craig McGrath, Jack Lowry, and Mark Slater. No official release date yet.
Ryan Doyle (born September 22, 1984) is a freerunner from Liverpool, United Kingdom, and is one of the founding athletes of the World Freerunning and Parkour Federation. Despite his poor eyesight, he is two-time winner of the Red Bull Art of Motion competition, and is officially sponsored by Red Bull energy drink. Doyle was also a cast member of MTV’s Ultimate Parkour Challenge in 2010, and played the role of Finch in the 2011 movie Freerunner. In his teenage years, Doyle trained in the Korean martial art of Kuk Sool Won, and he developed his style by adding his own free-running movements to the martial arts techniques he learned. Doyle began his career by winning the 2007 Art of Motion competition in Vienna, but in the same competition he had the misfortune to break his leg while attempting a trick from a 12–foot jump during the finals. This left him with a plate on his fibula and a 33 cm bar with 14 screws down the core of his shin bone. Despite this setback he made a full recovery, and in 2011 he won the Art of Motion competition again. He received 8th place in the Red Bull Art of Motion 2012 (staged in Santorini, Greece), following a tour applying acrobatics at seven world wonders.
source: fareastfilms