THR reports that Scott Adkins unites with UFC Champion Randy Couture for the action thriller Distant Shore. Film produced by Joseph and Jack Nasser, brothers which previously produced straight-to-video action movies, including Tactical Force and Dawn Rider, nothing special and no impact on movie world so far.
Distant Shore is being described as Phillip Noyce’s Dead Calm meets Joe Carnahan’s The Grey, but i sure it wouldn’t be look like that so it is just a promotion tag line. The story centers around a couple who sails into the ocean to commit suicide but are interrupted by the arrival of another mysterious vessel. Before long these two people who were ready to die are fighting to stay alive.
Probably Adkins will play one of leads and Randy a bad guy, but as for me it will be interesting to see opposite. Last time Adkins met Couture in the Expendables 2 movie, but nothing happened, there was Jason Statham who worked everything out.