Yes, special appearance by Tony Jaa, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, and get right down to business. This film was EXCELLENT! And by that, I mean just what…
“Nothing beats the original” I hear you say. And I usually whole-heartedly agree. However, I'm also a huge believer of ‘never judge a book by it’s cover’ particularly where remakes…
With entering the new year 2018, and remembering all the great films that were released in multiple genres throughout 2016 and 2017 seasons, I was contemplating what I wanted to…
If you love Jackie Chan, martial arts, action, and even a bit of drama to pull at the heartstrings, The Foreigner is a no-brainer. Jackie Chan is still the man.…
Jackie Chan is one of the world’s most loved and recognizable actors. The 63-year old who hails from Hong Kong has been acting since 1962, and in that time has…
Jackie Chan, following his predecessor and brother in spirit, Bruce Lee, infected the world with a total, all-time hobby for martial arts. Streams of thousands of boys, teens, and men…
Vietnamese director Victor Vu presents his new free-running movie Loi Bao starring stars Cuong Seven and Nha Phuong. LOI BAO opens in Vietnam on December 12th.
Dolph Lundgren presents his new movie based on a first-person shooter game. As a captain he leads the elite team travels to Terminal City, the origin of the outbreak, to…